Travel After 2020: new trend report from Globetrender x Euronews
Travel After 2020: What Will Tourism Look Like in Our New Reality? is a free report that has been co-authored by Globetrender and Euronews, Europe’s leading international news channel.
In a year of extraordinary change, this report identifies six trends, themes and case studies for the future of travel in the viral age and beyond, as well as insights into how to respond for those who work in the industry.
Hit hard by the global Covid-19 pandemic, the travel and tourism sectors are expected to rebound from 2021 with a new kind of experience economy at their heart.
"Conscious travel" is set to rise in prominence, amid growing environmental awareness and a hunger for holidays that leave a positive footprint. The traveller of tomorrow will increasingly want to live like a local, deeply immersing themselves in different cultures and customs. They'll also want to get away from the busy urban hubs and into the wilderness of less populated, rural areas with incredible night skies.
What do the trends we have identified mean for travel and tourism leaders? Just because there is a global pandemic and a climate emergency, it doesn’t mean people have stopped thinking about their own personal needs and happiness.
On the contrary. Although most tourists hate to think that their presence is damaging in anyway, in 2021 and beyond, the priority for most people will be to experience freedom, a change of scene, and time with family and friends.
Support from travel companies will be vital for years to come – whether it is in the form of rigorous hygiene measures, carbon offsetting on the customer’s behalf or guaranteeing fully flexible bookings.
The Conscious Traveller of tomorrow doesn’t want to make sacrifices or be a martyr – they have spent the best part of a year being grounded so it’s important to remind people that travel is a reward they have earned, and that the industry is becoming more responsible on their behalf.
The hope is not just to make travel sustainable, but regenerative.
Jamie Brownlee, chief marketing officer for Euronews, says: "Euronews has always attracted an open-minded, globally connected audience for whom travel and cultural exchange is a way of life. As Euronews expands its digital offer, it seemed obvious for us to develop a new digital and social destination dedicated to tourism and travel: Euronews Travel.
"To mark its launch, we were delighted to work in collaboration with Globetrender to produce a trend Rrport on the future of tourism post 2020. Euronews works in partnership with many actors of the tourism and travel industry, and we hope that, as they have been hit hard by the pandemic and its consequences, they will find inspiration from the new trends presented to rethink their approach to products, services, comms and marketing to respond to new consumer habits and desires in a post-Covid world.”
Jenny Southan, editor and founder of Globetrender says: “Bringing together forecasting from Globetrender and the reach of Euronews, our new co-authored report proves how important collaboration is during these challenging times. After a disappointing summer for tourism, both consumers and the industry are looking towards 2021 with trepidation and hope.
"While the themes we have focused on have been gaining momentum over the last few years, the trends that we have identified are ones that we predict will take off over the coming year as a specific consequence of the pandemic.
“With many countries still closed or enduring second-wave lockdowns, as in France, people are wondering when travel will get started again. In this report we highlight the rise of the Conscious Traveller who, in the future, will be far more responsible and discerning about the trips they take.
“The six trends we have identified reflect the shifts in motivation for travel that people are experiencing, as well as the restrictions they face in terms of spending time in cities or passing through airports, for example.
“With the new year approaching, there is no more vital time to embrace innovation, think creatively, and engage with the problems we face in a constructive way. Many people want – and are able – to travel, so it’s the role of marketers and communications experts to keep them inspired, reassured and informed.
“Many people can’t predict the future of travel but this is Globetrender’s area of expertise. If any travel company out there wants specific guidance in how to react to the trends in this report, or further insights into the many other trends that will be emerging in the year ahead, then drop me a line”
Watch a recording of a virtual roundtable discussing the trends identified in our new trend report, hosted by Euronews reporter and trend report co-author Damon Embling.
Panellists are:
Jenny Southan, founder and editor of Globetrender and trend report co-author
Amanda Hills, president, MMGY Hills Balfour
Chris Greenwood, senior tourism insight manager at Visit Scotland
Michel Julian, senior officer, Tourism Market Intelligence and Competitiveness, UNWTO