Business Travel Trends 2024


Produced in partnership with Cytric Easy by Amadeus, this Globetrender report explores seven trends shaping the future of business travel, including Objective Stacking, Executive Field Trips, AI PAs and Power Networking.


Published in January 2024, Business Travel Trends 2024 is a free Globetrender report produced in association with Cytric Easy by Amadeus.


  • Deep dives into seven trends shaping the future of business travel, including Objective Stacking, Executive Field Trips, AI PAs, Net-Zero Heroes and Power Networking.
  • Three supporting case studies on Microsoft Copilot, Virgin Atlantic SAF and Getaway.

“When looking at the future of business travel in 2024, it’s clear that two macro shifts are happening in parallel: technology is making the planning and execution of trips ever-more seamless; but there is also a desire to ‘go back to basics’, which is manifesting in nature-based corporate retreats and the revival of ‘power lunches’.

“This highlights the enduring value of human connection in building good business relationships. Ultimately, every journey needs to be optimized to justify the return on investment, and the subsequent carbon impact of flying.”

She adds: “If there is one word to sum up business travel in 2024, that will be ‘discernment’. Employees no longer want to sacrifice areas of their personal lives to be constantly on the road, and companies need to balance the fulfillment of financial and ESG targets, which will mean all parties need to be more selective about what trips they commit to.”

Jenny Southan, editor, founder and CEO of Globetrender

“Face-to-face meetings have many benefits, from increasing social capital to fostering ideas and engaging in more complex thinking together. In-person contact provides a competitive advantage when it comes to meeting clients and customers, as real conversations can generate more effective, efficient, and trust-building interactions.

“Value is key when it comes to business travel. A trip must fulfill multiple objectives, be increasingly sustainable, simple to book, and have a positive impact on both the employee and organization for it to be worth the time and money investment. Cytric Easy by Amadeus, the only travel booking tool embedded into Microsoft Teams unlocks new ways to travel, recommending employees who to meet with and when to achieve their business goals.”

Deborah Mahoney, head of sales and business development – Americas, Amadeus Cytric Solutions

Globetrender is the UK’s leading travel trend forecasting agency.

Our reports are produced by award-winning journalists and forecasters. We identify trends as they are emerging, backing them up with case studies, expertly sourced data and industry thought-leadership to help travel companies shape their product for the traveller of tomorrow.

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